Information Security

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2024 Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Secure our World

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a global initiative dedicated to help everyone stay safe and protected online. As Cybersecurity Awareness Month celebrates its 21st year, the University of Chicago is proud to be a 2024 champion, aiming to equip the University community with the knowledge they need to enhance their online safety and security. Throughout the month, we will share tips, resources, videos, and events to continue to raise awareness about staying safe online.

Phishing Alerts

Listed below are the latest phishing scams that have been acted upon by Information Security. Think you’ve received a phishing email? Don’t click it, report it.

Email Scam (January 15, 2025): MATH TUTOR OFFER

From: Smith Brooks <> Date: 2025/01/15 - 17:58:22 (UTC -06:00) Subject: MATH TUTOR OFFER Hello, I got your email listed as one of the graduate students on the university website directory under the Mathematics department. I assume...

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Security News

Check here for the latest security alerts that may affect you.

How to Locate the Report Phish Button

IT Services has implemented an easier way to report suspicious emails from your University Outlook or Gmail inbox. This feature, called Report Phish, allows you to report phishing or other suspicious emails with the click of a button. The Report Phish button will...

5 Ways to Outsmart a Social Engineer

“Social engineering” is a newer term for an age-old pursuit: tricking people. Whether you use the modern-day terminology or opt for longer-standing classifications (like conning, hustling, and swindling), the result is the same. Scammers aren’t afraid to tell lies—...

Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks are one of the most serious cybersecurity threats we face at the University of Chicago. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that steals user data, disables the user system, and then demands payment from the victim in order to re-enable system...