Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2024 2:49 PM
Subject: UCHICAGO SECURITY ALERT: All Students are required to enroll now

Hello Students;

This is to inform you that the annual security check on every campus email address has commenced with immediate effect.

This exercise enables us to protect all students from email phishing, unwanted emails etc. We urge you to comply with the requirements and duly follow up by sending the correct and appropriate information below via text message only to +1 (323) 640 XXXX.

You are required to reconfirm your log in identity now and send it via SMS ONLY to +1 (323) 640 XXXX;

Full Name:
Campus email address:
User name or JoinID:
Pass word:

Upon the receipt of the required information above, your security update and clearance will automatically commence and once it’s completed, you will be notified.

Failure to comply will result in deactivation of your campus email account.

Office of the Security Dept.